Anele Mkuzo-Magape: Spearheading innovation in entrepreneurship

Meet 30-year-old Kwa Zulu-Natal native Anele Mkuzo-Magape, an entrepreneur whose passion lies in education and innovation. She heads the African Entrepreneurship Initiative and is also completing a Master of Philosophy specialising in Inclusive Innovation at the UCT’s Graduate School of Business.

The African Entrepreneurship Initiative is a consulting and entrepreneurship education training company with a focus on young entrepreneurs in townships and peri-urban areas. Since going into business, she’s been honoured with the Fair Lady Woman of the Future – Rising Star award.

However, it hasn’t been an easy journey, says Anele, who counts new business development as one of her company’s biggest challenges. She adds that to thrive as a young, black, female businesswoman in South Africa you have to work three times as hard even when you think you can’t work any harder.

 Anele is driven by the need to address inequality and introducing innovative solutions in the entrepreneurship education space.

 There are some exciting developments coming from the African Entrepreneurship Initiative, visit the company’s website for more details:

 Anele offered this advice to people embarking on the entrepreneurship journey: “Do your research on the industry you want to get into. Then make sure you have an offering that’ll differentiate you from other organisations”.

 She’s a power woman, making moves and shifting mindsets. We’re inspired by Anele to Reach Higher!

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